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您的位置:本站首页视频中心【陕西渭南电视台报道】美国外教布莱恩:“寓教于乐” 让学生对英语更感兴趣 (2019.03.)

美国外教布莱恩:“寓教于乐” 让学生对英语更感兴趣

Brian, A Foreign Teacher from America: Teaching Through Play Makes Students More Interested in English

(Weinan TV Station of Shaanxi Province)

来源:陕西渭南电视台报道  (本站2019-03-21 编辑转载 / 更新: 2019-05-06

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陕西渭南市电视台“外国人在渭南”专栏,以《布莱恩:“寓教于乐” 让学生对英语更感兴趣》为题,报道了美国外教布莱恩在渭南市高级中学的教学。布莱恩的教学受到中国学生的广泛欢迎。布莱恩是巴克兰海外教育集团引进的外籍文教人才,他在这所学校已经工作了6年。

The column "Foreigners in Weinan" in Weinan TV Station of Shaanxi province reported the teaching of American foreign teacher Brian in Weinan Senior High School with the title “Brian: Teaching Through lively Activities” to Make Students More Interested in English. Brian's teaching is widely welcomed by Chinese students.Brian is a foreign cultural and educational talent introduced by Buckland International Education Group. He has worked in this school for seven years.



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