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您的位置:本站首页视频中心美国志愿者艾伦(Allen)在桂林阳朔义务支教整一年(2008/06/25 阳朔电视台报道)


Alan (Allen), an American Volunteer, Taught Voluntarily in Yangshuo, Guilin, for a Whole Year

阳朔电视台播出  (本站2008-07-14编辑转帖 / 更新: 2019-03-10

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【背景介绍】艾 伦(Lavelle Faye Allen)是“欧美加V.E.T.国际志愿者协会”派往阳朔渡头镇义务支教的美国志愿者,巴克兰海外教育集团是该志愿者组织长期的资助单位。

American Volunteer Lavelle Faye Allen has been teaching in Yangshuo Du Tou Elementary School for one year. Lavelle Faye Allen is from the United States. As a volunteer of the Volunteer English Teaching Program (V.E.T.), she was assigned to teach in the Yangshuo Du Tou Elementary School. Buckland International Education Group is one of the two founders and has been the main sponsor of V.E.T.
