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作者:Curt Edward Witt (美国外教/湖南新田一中/来源:湖南省外国专家局网站)

  1. 桂林荔浦市职业教育中心学校“试水”国际交流活动::营造更好英语环境,开展国际交流,促进职业教育特色发展
    Guilin Lipu Vocational Education Center School "Test The Water" International Exchange Activity...
  2. 引进外籍教师:“请得进、留得住、干得好”的根本途径——巴克兰海外教育集团坚持举办“外事管理干部”培训班
    Buckland International Education Group Carries on the Tradition of Foreign Affairs Officer ( F.A.O) Training as its Firm Foundation for Foreign Teacher Recruitment and Management
  3. 巴克兰(BUCKLAND)外教在贵州——“一校一外教”项目:花开贵州(附视频)
    The Foreign Teachers of Buckland Group are in Guizhou Province
  4. 陕西省安康市:副市长孙矿玲到高新区中学慰问外籍教师
    Ankang City, Shanxi Province: The Deputy Mayor Shun Kuang Ling Visited Foreign Teachers in Gao Xin International Middle school
  5. 巴克兰(BUCKLAND)编写的初高中英语口语教材正式出版(供外教和学生使用)--
    BUCKLAND GROUP Text Book Practical Oral English (for Junior and Senior) is Published by Shaanxi Normal University Publishing House
  6. '2015 (BUCKLAND)第65期外国文教专家培训掠影
  7. “一校一外教”计划项目继续推进:欧美加国际交流协会向广东高要市再派外教志愿者
  8. “一校一外教”计划进广东 欧文秘书长赴高要市考察




There are many treasures in China. From the great wall outside of Beijing to the tropics of Hainan, but my Chinese treasure is in Yong Zhou County in the small city of Xintian. My treasure is Xintian’s people. Moving to Xintian has been an awaking and eye opening experience for me. I came here with out a lot of preconceived notions on what China would be like. In America we often hear about the business side of China and our trade agreements, but not about the Chinese people and who they are. When I first arrived in Xintian I was taken aback with the warm hospitality I received. From shop owners to school administrators, every one was wonderful and welcoming. Xintian is a rural city, but what it lacks in modernization it more then make up for in character. Xintian is a place to find peace and sit back and enjoy life. Having only lived here for a few months, I feel at home walking the streets of Xintian. Living here among the wonderful populace has inspired me and taught me life lessons that I will cherish and live by for the rest of my life.

The society of  Xintian has educated me a lot. Here, the residents all look out  for one another,  while keeping themselves in a constant state of balance. We buy meat that was raised locally, we eat fruits and vegetables that were grown in the country outside of town and when we shop we shop locally. By doing this we are supporting the local economy and with that the greater good of the residents of Xintian. In America, the philosophy is; put me first and that will be better for society. In Xintian the philosophy is; put society first and it will be better for me. The passion of this philosophy being so prevalent in Xintian has made me rethink what type of citizen I want to be in what ever community I live.

My first week in Xintian I had to set up a back account, so I went to the back with a Chinese teacher whose English name is Jane. While I was filling out the necessary paperwork and old man came into the back. He walked around for a while, and then spoke to the bank representative who gave him some paperwork. Jane asked the old man if he needed help and took his papers from him. To my total surprise she started to complete the old man’s paperwork. I asked her if she knew him, thinking of course she must know him or why be bothered with a task that had nothing to do with her. She replied “ No, he is an old man so I should help him”. I didn’t think too much of it then, but after living here, that is a defining characteristic of the people in this town. To help those who need help, not because it helps you directly or immediately, but because it helps your fellow citizen and with that it helps society and because society is a better place, you are in a better place.

In America we have a saying “ don’t sweat the small stuff ”, it means do not overreact to things that are of little importance. Unfortunately, I have not always lived by this virtue. In America I often “ sweated the small stuff ”. It rarely happens, but sometimes the power goes out in town. Now, if this happened in America the residents of the outage would be on the phone to the electric company and demanding that their power be restored. Their demands would be relentless, by every one. No one would be content or happy until all is back to normal. But here in Xintian, if the electricity goes out, we continue on with our lives as if nothing is missing. Sure we can’t watch T.V. or use land line phones. But, do we really need them anyway? At night the town illuminates into a beautiful warm orange glow as those without generators light candles. The sight alone is beautiful and amazing. It reminds me of what it must have been like prior to the world having electricity; tranquil and peaceful, with out the blaze of neon lights and blaring televisions. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

In Xintian I often take a moment to enjoy the here and now. At home I was so focused on the future, always looking ahead, my next deadline at work, my next car payment or what I was going to do on my off days. But here, the pace of life inspires me to sit back and take pleasure in the moment. We have a wonderful tower here in Xintian. It was built in late 19th century by a local Xintian man f or the whole town to enjoy. Along with the tower there are many paths among the forest area around the tower. It offers stunning views of the town and out river. It is very relaxing looking out over the town with the river flowing and the mountains in the distance. Being here has allowed me to go up there only to enjoy the view. Before, I think I might have gone up there with the only intention to exercise or to say I made it to the top. But now I often enjoy a leisurely walk to the top and take a seat to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and enjoy some local fruit.

Eating is a center piece of any culture. But I have never put so much thought into what I put into my body until I moved to Xintian. In America it was often what was quickest is what I ate. Always being on the go with my fast paced life style did not allow me to really sit down and enjoy a good meal. Here in Xintian I enjoy local food, especially the famous dish “blood duck”, a personal favorite of mine. When I go out to eat in Xintian, I know the food is local.

Whether I am eating fruit, vegetables or meat I know it is most likely from Xintian. And that inspires me to take time to relax and enjoy a good meal. It doesn’t seem to do justice to the farmers who spent there time and labor providing me this food to not take the time to enjoy it.

Even when I leave Xintian I will take these inspirations with me. Because of my time here I will be able to remember that I am part of a society and my contributions to that society are as important as what I do for myself. Don’t sweat the small stuff were only words before coming here, now it is a motto to live by. The most important thing about Xintian is that being here has taught me to take in the moment at every moment. The past is the past and the future will come, but nothing is more important the moment that is right now. The people of Xintian have taken me in as one of their own. I will always be a foreigner in a foreign land, but Xintian will always have a special place in my heart and will forever be remembered as my first home in China.  ■

Curt Edward Witt
United States of America

  新田一中: 中外教师和谐相处 Mr.Curt 获奖 市政府颁发的“九嶷友谊奖”

【汉 语 译 文】










作者姓名:Curt Edward Witt

国 籍:美国                    


  来自湖南澧县职业学校的外教事迹报道:Natty 妈妈,您的女儿们爱您!”

  图片:湖南新田一中喜迎巴克兰外教    |   ▲ 回获奖征文目录页


  1. 【来自湖南邵阳市的报道】邵阳市人社局领导赴洞口一中慰问外籍教师2019
  2. 巴克兰(BUCKLAND)外教在贵州——“一校一外教”项目:花开贵州(附视频)
  3. 【来自合作学校的报道】浏阳一中高新实验中学外籍教师展示英语口语教学
  4. 【视 频】TESOL(特硕)培训在广西 - 英语解说(2013.03.)
     【Video】TESOL Training at the Buckland Group,Guangxi
  5.  外教获奖征文:我眼中美妙的广西阳朔(By John Leach [USA] )
      —— Guangxi’s Marvelous Community through Western Eyes
  6. 【视频】专访巴克兰(BUCKLAND)外教杰丝芭莎·索菲(SOPHIE)- 广外肇庆外国学校电视台录制/肇庆高新区 (2014)

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(本站 2009-07-01 编辑发布)
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  1. 欧美加国际交流协会“一校一外教”计划专题网站

  3. “国际理解教育”在行动——国内教师“国际理解教育”培训侧记新信息


  5. 中国国际广播电台 (China Radio International)采访加拿大老雷和他的“志愿者教育计划” (Laurie Mackenzie and His V.E.T Program) [2007/09/10]


  7. 《桂林晚报》报道“V.E.T”志愿者支教事迹《“洋雷锋”的支教故事》

  9. 美国志愿者艾伦(Allen)在桂林阳朔义务支教整一年 (台 2008/06/25 阳朔电视台报道)


  10. 成都双语实验学校巴克兰外教台 Ms Allyson 的感言:I am really happy here!(站外链接)

  上一篇: 【来自合作学校的报道】浏阳一中高新实验中学外籍教师展示英语口语教学
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