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P.1.—— (以上传先后为序) 点击这里,浏览视频中心  
  1. 巴克兰(BUCKLAND)举办第63、64期外国文教专家培训班——巴克兰和8位外国文教专家在广西主办的有关征文摄影作品比赛中获奖
  2. 燃烧自己 照亮他人——欧文先生获逐级推荐参评广西区“优秀志愿者”评选(事迹介绍)
  3. “美国TESOL特硕国际英语教师广西认证管理中心”在巴克兰( BUCKLAND)正式成立
  4. 集团与欧美加国际交流协会合作,全面启动“一校一外教”计划(一个旨在助推“教育国际化”的免费外教援助项目)
  5. 美国西雅图社区大学与巴克兰海外教育集团文化交流合作项目启动
  6. 巴克兰外教在四川成都双语实验学校
  7. 集团承办中国双语教育研究会第28、29期双语师资培训班如期举办
  8. 巴克兰与贵州省余庆中学合作创办双语教育实验学校隆重挂牌
  9. 在陕西尧山中学双语教育实验学校授牌仪式上杨春龙校长讲话
  10. 中国双语教育研究会在我集团设立“中小学教研中心”
  1. 校企合作,广西荔浦职教探新路——巴克兰海外教育集团与荔浦职业教育中心学校合作开办新专业(附招生宣传视频)
  2. School and Enterprise Cooperation, Guangxi Lipu City Vocational Education Development Explore New Road——Buckland International Education Group Cooperates with Lipu Vocational Education Center School to Establish A New Major

  3. 桂林荔浦市职业教育中心学校“试水”国际交流活动——营造更好英语学习环境,开展国际交流活动,促进职业教育特色发展(视频)
  4. Create A Better English Learning Environment,Carry Out International Exchange Activities,Promote The Distinctive Development of Vocational Education —— Guilin Lipu Vocational Education Center School "Test The Water" International Exchange Activity

  5. 我们将成为真正的“TESOL 国际英语教师”--第39TESOL国际英语教师培训...(视频)
  6. We will be the True “TESOL International English Teachers” A Brief Account of the 39th TESOL International English Teacher Training and Certification (video)

  7. 2019 TESOL国际英语教师协会中国大会”在杭州隆重开幕, 巴克兰(BUCKLAND)集团派代表出席大会
  8. 2019 Global English Education China Assembly Has Opened in Hangzhou The BUCKLAND Group Has Sent a Representative Attending the Conference

  9. 2019TESOL国际英语教师协会中国大会”将在杭州召开
  10. In July, “ 2019 TESOL International Association China Assembly” will be Held in Hangzhou, China

  11. 【Video】美国外教布莱恩:“寓教于乐” 让学生对英语更感兴趣(陕西渭南电视台)
  12. Brian, A Foreign Teacher from America: “Teaching Through Lively Activities” Makes Students More Interested in English(Weinan TV Station of Shaanxi Province)

  13. TESOL38期(总第75期)国际教师培训顺利完成(2019)
  14. The 38th TESOL International China Program (The 75th Buckland Orientation Programs)  Cuccessfully  Completed

  15. 【来自湖南邵阳市的报道】邵阳市人社局领导赴洞口一中慰问外籍教师
  16. Report from Shaoyang City, Hunan Province:The Leaders of the Shaoyang Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau went to Dongkou No 1 Middle School to Express Their Condolences to Foreign Teachers

  17. 【来自合作学校的报道】浏阳一中高新实验中学外籍教师展示英语口语教学

    The Report from Cooperative School:Foreign Teachers of Liuyang No.1 Middle School Demonstrate Oral English Teaching

  18. 引进外籍教师:“请得进、留得住、干得好”的根本途径——巴克兰海外教育集团坚持举办“外事管理干部”培训班
  19. Buckland International Education Group Carries on the Tradition of Foreign Affairs Officer ( F.A.O) Training as its Firm Foundation for Foreign Teacher Recruitment and Management

  20. 巴克兰(BUCKLAND)外教在贵州——“一校一外教”项目:花开贵州(附视频)
  21. The Foreign Teachers of Buckland Group are in Guizhou Province

  22. 陕西省安康市:副市长孙矿玲到高新区中学慰问外籍教师(2016.01)
  23. Ankang City, Shanxi Province: The Deputy Mayor Shun Kuang Ling Visited Foreign Teachers in Gao Xin International Middle school

  24. 巴克兰(BUCKLAND)编写的初高中英语口语教材正式出版(供外教和学生使用)
  25. BUCKLAND GROUP Text Book Practical Oral English (for Junior and Senior) is Published by Shaanxi Normal University Publishing House

  26. 巴克兰海外教育集团总裁欧文先生来访美国TESOL中国管理中心(美国TESOL中国总部报道)
  27. Mr.Owen, President of Buckland International Education Group, Visited the American TESOL China Management Center

  28. '2015 巴克兰(BUCKLAND)第65期外国文教专家培训掠影
  29. Buckland the 65th (TESOL 27th) Orientation Program for Foreign Experts

  30. 外教获奖文章:我眼中奇妙的广西阳朔 (作者:【美】John Leach)
  31. Guangxi’s Marvelous Community through Western Eyes(By John William Leach)

  32. 巴克兰(BUCKLAND)举办第63、64期外国文教专家培训班——巴克兰和8位外国文教专家在广西主办的有关征文摄影作品比赛中获奖
  33. Buckland Group Held the 63rd and 64th Orientation Programs for Foreign Experts — Buckland Group and 8 Buckland Foreign Experts Won Prizes in the Photography Contest Held by Guangxi Government

  34. “国际理解教育”在行动——2014暑期“国际理解教育”师资培训侧记
  35. “Education for International Understanding”Program in 2014 Summer

  36. '2014春运高峰,他穿越数千里风雪严寒来到BUCKLAND
  37. Defying the Severe Snowy Weather and the Spring Festival Peak Traveling Period, Mr. Robert Joins Buckland to Train New Teachers

  38. 外籍教师的“成都故事”大PK——成都市成华区举办“首届国际理解教育外籍教师风采大赛(决赛)”- 巴克兰三位外教获得一等奖
  39. The First Star of Chenghua District Foreign Teachers Talent Competition on International Understanding Education(The Finals)— BUCKLAND GROUP 3 Foreign Teachers Won the First Prize

  40. 成都市成华区举办“首届外教风采大赛”(预赛):巴克兰(BUCKLAND)外教表现上佳,好几位胜出将参加决赛(附视频)
  41. Chenghua District in Chengdu Held the First Foreign Teacher Talent Competition for International Understanding of Education ——Several Buckland Teachers Won the Tickets to the Final

  42. 巴克兰·欧文中英文书院:热火朝天的'2013暑期
  43. Buckland Owen Language College:2013 Summer Camp in Full Swing

  44. 读图:巴克兰今夏完成两期外籍教师培训(2013.08.)
  45. Two Orientation Programs for New Buckland Foreign Teachers Successfully Completed in This Summer

  46. 欧美加"一校一外教"计划再度进桂林——桂林市象山区借力提高外语教学水平
  47. OMECA "One Foreign Teacher and One School" Paring Program into Guilin Again for Assisting the Improvement of Xiangshan District's English Education

  48. 【视频报道】TESOL(特硕)培训在广西-英语解说(2013.03.
  49. 【Video】TESOL Training at the Buckland Group,Guangxi

  50. 【相关动态】成都市青白江区教育局:2012年教育国际化工作总结与2013年工作要点
  51. Education Bureau of Qingbaijiang District, Chengdu City:2012 Internationalization of Education Work Summary and 2013 Work Responsibilities

  52. “美国TESOL特硕国际英语教师广西认证管理中心”在巴克兰(BUCKLAND)正式成立
  53. American TESOL Guangxi Management Center Formally Established,Executive Director of American TESOL Exclusive China Headquarters – Mr. Liang Yong Sheng Attend Opening Ceremony

  54. 【站外新闻】习近平与外国专家——总书记的首场外事活动
  55. Off-site News:Mr. Xi JinPing and Foreign Experts

  56. 巴克兰海外教育集团国际交流中心关于举办2013年春季外事管理干部培训班的通知
  57. A Training Notice for the Foreign Affairs Officers

  58. 欧美加国际交流协会主持举行第27个“国际志愿者日”暨“一校一外教”项目阳朔站正式启动仪式
  59. OMECA International Exchange Association Host the 27th International Volunteers Day Activities
    and “One School One Foreign Teacher” Yangshuo Project Official Launch Ceremony

  60. “一校一外教”计划项目继续推进:欧美加国际交流协会向广东高要市再派外教志愿者
  61. “One School - One Foreign Teacher” Project Continues to Promote in Gaoyao, Guangdong, Omeca Culture Exchange Association is Sending Out Volunteer Teachers Again

  62. “广西教育培训联盟”在桂林阳朔举行第三届年会 欧文先生出席并发表主题演讲
  63. The Educational Training Alliance of Guangxi Held Their 3rd Annual Meeting in Yangshuo  Mr. Owen Buckland Presented a Speech at the Conference


  64. “一校一外教”计划进广东 欧文秘书长赴高要市考察
  65. “One Foreign Teacher to One School Pairing Plan” was Launched in Guangdong the Secretary-General, Mr. Owen Paid Gaoyao City a Study Visit

  66. 巴克兰集团与中国双语教育研究会合作完成第32期、33期中小学双语师资培训工作
  67. Buckland International Education Group and China Bilingual Education Research Institute Completed in Cooperation The 32nd and 33rd Bilingual Teachers Training

  68. 中国平安产险阳朔营销部、平安电话车险 携手欧美加协会正式启动“免费外教进校园”计划
  69. PingAn Insurance Company of China Ltd., (YangShuo Branch) and Omeca Voluteers Communication Association are Launching a Program to Provide Foreign Teachers at School Campuses Free of Charge

  70. 关于举办'2012外事管理干部、中小学双语师资培训的通知
  71. A Training Notice for the Primary and Secondary School Bilingual teachers and the Foreign Affairs Officers

  72. 巴克兰外籍教师在2012广西小学英语教学展示观摩研讨会上做现场教学展示
  73. 2012 Guangxi Province Primary Schools Official Teaching Practices Seminar was Held in Guilin Buckland Foreign Teacher Gave Demo Lessons At the Seminar

  74. 国家人社部信长星副部长等领导莅临巴克兰集团及旗下学校视察
  75. Mr. Xin Changxing, the Vice Minister of the National Human Resources and Social Security visited Buckland Group and its franchised schools

  76. 巴克兰外教在福建:洋教师的“土”婚礼
  77. Buckland Foreign Teachers in Fujian Province:Foreign Teachers' Ancient China Style Wedding

  78. 巴克兰'2012新春涉外培训侧记
  79. Buckland 2012 Spring Festival Season Training for Foreing Teachers and Foreign Affair Officers

  80. 桂林阳朔县在欧文中英书院举行纪念“国际志愿者日”活动(外一则)
  81. Yangshuo County Guilin Celebrated International Volunteers Day in Buckland Owen College

  82. 欧文先生出第十届中国国际人才交流大会(深圳)/河北、陕西等省外国专家局领导亲临巴克兰…
  83. Mr. Owen, the CEO of Buckland Group attended China’s 10th Conference on International Exchange of Professionals / Inspectors from the Hebei and Shaanxi Foreign Expert Bureaus Visited Buckland Group

  84. '2011集团举办“巴克兰·特硕国际来华外籍教师培训班”活动掠影(附:英文视频报道)
  85. Photos of the 13rd~15th (the 49th~51st for total) training programs English Video

  86. 30期、31期双语教师培训班在巴克兰成功举办(附:视频报道
  87. Hold The 30th and 31th Bilingual Teachers Training in BUCKLANDVideo

  88. 加快教育国际化步伐 搭建中外文化交流平台 —上饶县五小喜迎巴克兰海外教育集团来校开展中外学术交流活动
  89. Accelerate the Speed of Education Internationalization, Create the Environment For Chinese-Foreign Culture Exchange — Shangrao County No.5 Primary School Welcome Buckland Group to Carry Out Academic Exchanges

  90. 视频报道:巴克兰外教在成都双语实验学校参加英语角活动
  91. Video:Buckland's Foreign Teachers Attending English Corner in Chengdu Bilingual Experimental School

  92. 集团“国际交流中心”落户阳朔美城英语培训学校 4月迎来首批国际交流师生
  93. Buckland International Exchange Center set in Meicheng College

  94. 美国西雅图社区大学与巴克兰海外教育集团文化交流合作项目启动
  95. The Establishment of the Culture Exchange Program between Seattle Community College & Buckland Group

  96. “欧文先生阳朔办学18周年庆典”《邀请函》
  97. Invitation of 18th anniversary celebration for Mr.Owen running school in Yangshuo

  98. 教育国际化及双语教育——春天的脚步(巴克兰海外教育集团2011年开局印象)新信息
  99. The Internationalization of Education and Bilingual Education Just Like the Spring is Coming.(The Impression of Buckand International Education Group's 2011 New Climate)

  100. 中外文化交流 象棋成为桥梁——集团欧美加国际交流书院为外国朋举办中国象棋培训班(视频)
  101. Chinese chess becomes a bridge in Sino-foreign cultrual exchange——Buckland Omeca College held chinese chess training class for foreign friends (video)

  102. 《人民日报·海外版》报道: 桂林阳朔西街——“中国最大的外语角”
  103. People's Daily Overseas Edition report: West Street in Guilin Yangshuo——China's biggest foreign language corner

  104. 2011年伊始 集团启动“巴克兰国际家庭交流计划”
  105. At the beginning of 2011, Buckland Group start "Buckland International Family Exchange Program"

  106. 2010年中国国际人才交流大会”在深圳召开 集团总裁欧文先生应邀出席
  107. The 2010 International Exchange of Professionals Conference took place in Shenzhen, and Mr. Owen, the CEO of the Buckland Group, attended.

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  1. 本站国内外双语教育信息专栏
  2. 成都双语实验学校网站
  3. 成都市傅勇林副市长在“成都双语实验学校”揭牌仪式上的讲话(站外链接)
  4. 成都双语实验学校巴克兰外教Ms Allyson的感言:I am really happy here!(站外链接)
  5. 新年伊始 集团启动“巴克兰‘国际家庭交流计划’”最新信息
  6. 成都双语实验学校揭牌仪式隆重举行 欧文先生应邀出席(中国双语教育网报道)